Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer time

I love the summer time and not having to get up and force my girls to get out of the house to go for a day of being pushed around at school.  I hate the summer because my girls don't want to do anything except watch TV unless I am pushing them to do something else.  This would not be such a problem except that I am taking online classes and need to spend a good bit of my time working on homework.  If I wasn't so close to finishing and the classes I need were offered during the regular school year I would take the time off.  I want to get my college finished so that I can help them pay for college when they get out of high school, but I want to be able to play and do things with them at the same time.  This is the struggle most mothers have every summer.

the swimming pool sounds like a wonderful place to go and spend lots of time.  I would love to be able to help my daughter practice her tennis, and maybe even learn a little bit about how to play myself.  It was wonderful to watch her and the other kids play at tennis camp earlier this week.  Even if most of the kids were not mine I still was very proud when the little ones played like miniature pros.  It was nice to chat with some of the older kids when they were taking a break and learning about some of the problems that our kids think about. 

Maybe one day my life will be simpler and I won't have to make such choices as doing something for my self not spending time with my kids.  I can't wait to get to the point where I can spoil my kids with unlimited attention for them once again.  However right now I have to be selfish and finish my college, I only waited 25 years to go back after highschool.

Here's to hopefully the last summer I have to take classes and that the next three years will all be during the regular sessions.

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